Sunday, December 30, 2007

giving it another shot

Alright, so my first foray into blogging didn't hold up too long. I wonder if I have any readers left. Oh well, today begins round two!

Main excuse for letting things go silent for so long: School! That was a vicious end of the semester. Basically, after Thanksgiving, it was all writing papers/studying/exams. There was very little time to do awesome things in real life, much less blog about them. Luckily things turned out pretty well with all that (except one incident with either a malfunctioning alarm clock or a crazy sleep-deprived me...jury's still out on that one), and it's all over. Only one more semester to go! Whoo!

Old business: About that workout plan I hasn't worked out, yet. My lack of motivation and (same old excuse) lack of time has stopped me from even trying the simplest attempt at improving how I look. Maybe since I don't have much desire to do it, I'm happy with what I've got. Then again, almost anything could always be better. I might try to start that up again, especially now that I should have more time on my hands. We'll see. Any motivational tips? Or even more exercise tips in general, if you've got 'em.

New(er) business: Remember my story about Manhunt, et al.? Well, my re-registered name on there gets logged into a lot by me, but I still don't go through with anything. I never deleted the login for my hometown, and there are a lot of hot guys on there. I'm still too gutless to meet up with any of them, though, mostly because:

a) Even though this is a larger town than where I go to college, it's still kind of small and I know lots of people in it. Still not out, so that helps to explain my timidness.
b) Hookups still seem weird to me, but, hey, we all get horny...
c) I'm staying at home with my parents over break, so that throws a wrench into the idea a little.

So, no sex for me. Not like that's a change, anyway.

I haven't taken any more steps towards coming out to anyone yet. The issue is finding a good support base in someone, somewhere. I'm not sure if there's any urgency for me to achieve this step yet.

Why? Well, my career goals include being on television. I'm not sure yet how big of a deal this is, really. Though I'm not sure how to go about figuring that out. Maybe someone who writes one of those blogs I list on the right would know more about that...maybe I should ask.

At the moment: Awake so late because I'm up chatting with someone, and there was just some loud noise in/near my house. I looked around and couldn't figure out what it was. Some kind of thud. It freaked me out! So I'll probably be up for a little bit.